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Module Aims: Why Design? In module 1 we will be exploring the importance of research. Investigating the relevance of architectural, social and design history. You will select an Architect, Designer or Period in time and look in depth at the design language employed and the style clues. Chose carefully. Whats important is that its a subject matter that excites and inspires you. Its imporrtant to not only look at the architectural references, but to delve deeper into the characters protrayed in those relevent scenes.

Practical tasks: Research into your chosen subject matter. Study in depth one architect, designer, or period. You will be sent a script to read prior to the course. Your research will be relevant to both the subject matter and a section of the script

You will produce research sketches and 'look-books' specific to the style with reference to the content of a script. You will start to build a referance material library and a Production file. 

Length of module: 2 days.

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