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Site surveys and hand drafting

Module Aims:  You will be guided through the basic skills of drafting, understanding the importance of the information included in the drawing. Study the construction techniques used in traditional building and the more specific techniques used in the Film and Television Industries. How to select suitable locations, what to look for, and raising potential issues

Practical tasks: You will be taught drawing details to scale or full size including: Laying out plan and elevations at varying scales, Using correct line weight, shading and hatching techniques to donate detail and using Industry standard dimensioning, lettering, notation, and labelling. You will be asked to survey a location, taking detailed notes, measurements and photographs. You will produce locations plans, location and studio set construction drawings. Finally producing an Art Dept location document. Most importantly, we touch on Health and Safety and the importance of risk assessments. This is not a substitute for a recognised H&S training course.

Length of module : 5 days

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